Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Black is the new green.

So here it is, the first post on my blog site. I'll be honest, I faced considerate choice fatigue when deciding on a blog template and it took every satirical bone in my body to overcome the more calcium-rich practical bones I have to opt for the BLACK template over the GREEN.

After all, this is a blog about disillusionment upon graduation as much as it is about sustainability. Call it a graduate cocktail of equal parts despair and optimism, except this hangover is worse than a late night with Kamchatka.

Each blog I write will contain two components:
1. my disillusioned diatribe (to be written in white, as black won't show up on my background)
2. my positive affirmation (to be written all in green)

Both of these components obviously relate to my feelings about the concept of sustainability and Cleveland.

In addition, both components of the blog (the disillusionment and affirmations) actually happen in real time in my own head resulting in a completely neutral feeling.

This is not desirable.

Help me use this blog to graduate with a feeling of satisfaction.I want to replace my feeling of neutrality about a study I invested so much time, energy, and money (in the form of unnecessary luxury meals used as anxiety band-aids) with something meaningful that I can be truly proud of.


  1. I've always wanted to go to Portland, or anywhere further west than Cedar Point for that matter...but for other reasons beside it being a sustainability mecca

  2. I love you Erika. It's comforting to know I'm not alone with my feelings.
