Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cleveland and Toronto: 'On the Waterfront'

Too bad Marlon Brando is nowhere to be seen. Cleveland and Toronto may actually have some things in common, like being post-industrialized and along some river channels. Here is what Toronto is considering for their Lower Don Lands in terms of sustainable urbanism.

1 comment:

  1. I love Cleveland, but it will never be a Toronto. Not in my lifetime. I've been to Toronto a number of times and each time I am impressed by their post-industrial development and reclamation of waterfront. It's a vibrant city where people actually live in the city! It has a diverse population, similar to Clevand. Lot's of people walking, riding bicycles, scooters and the ever present out-of-towner (or local) trying to navigate around pedestrians. Is it perfect? No city is. It has trash issues and the homeless (and those that should be on medication) and crime, etc., but what it offers far away outweighs the usual big city issues.

    Cleveland has so much potential it's sickening to see it wasting away year after year or at the least maintaining it's stagnancy. No funds I guess or maybe the politics of a city that is still hanging on to the past. What a waste of a Great Lake city.
